Hipster rules

Sunday, October 6, 2013

If Countries Were Social Classes, Canada would be the hipster.

Lets face it, when was Canada ever mainstream. Though most Canadians are not hipster, I think it would be super hipster to be Canadian. Saying im American doesn't ring. There are 300000000 americans. Being American is so mainstream. True, there are many less populous countries than Canada, but Canada is on top of the u.s, who would be the jock country. Canada just chills with us like a groovy cucumber that is covered in moose. Northern Canada is the arctic circle. How unmainstream is it to live near Santa Clause?
Aside from the fact that santas workshop is under water because the north pole is covered by a sheet of ice, and everybody knows who he is, and he creeps on every Christian child on the globe, santa could be a Canadian hipster.   
      Another hipster thing about Canada is that their are just enough famous Canadians for people to know that Canada exists, but there aren't very many mainstream Canadians. I go to summer camp in Canada, now that's hipster.

Now for a Canadian joke.

Q: How did Canada Get Its Name
A: C-Eh-N-Eh-D-Eh

Anyway, lately I realized that to many hipsters use pitchfork review, when I searched it on yahoo,(google is to current) it was the top result. It is now mainstream.

Ironic salutations
Pablo y nate

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