Hipster rules

Saturday, October 19, 2013


      Hipsters have wider time frame to enjoy something than a non hipster, for example a hipster listens to a band nobodies heard of. On their next album, they have a hit, they are popular and the hipster shuns them. A few month later the band is deep underground again, and the hipster listens to them, even their hit to be ironic. But, what if the hipster listened to the band for irony while they were popular to shock his hipster friends? What if he shunned the band so much that he refused to listen to them? Do hipsters really have more time? Why do i ask myself these questions? WHAT IS A HIPSTER?
           People around the world, like me, ignorantly claim ultimate knowledge of what a hipster is, but not all of us wear scarfs, blue skinny jeans and 70s nerd glasses. I don't know how to define a hipster because hipsters are so diverse. I mean, are the people in bands that hipsters listen to hipsters? Has their minor fame gotten into there heads and do they listen to pop music or make music intended to be popular among hipsters? Does the record company enforce this?

         Now that you are all thoroughly confused, greeting fellow hipsters and today i will explain why we dont even know what a hipster is. Science has yet to find a genome and phylum for hipsters, and if hipsters were existent in ancient India, we wouldn't even have a caste because the people wouldn't know where to put us because they wouldn't actually know what a hipster is. In the cruel feudalism of the middle ages in Europe, the hipsters would just sit in the difference and talk about how there were no good leaders this day, and discuss obscure roman emperors.
      Right now, i am listening to wolf mail on groove shark. Wolf mail is an artist that i am pretty sure less than .001% of the worlds population has heard of, however the music he makes is the blues, which is not a hipster genre. Is it hipster to listen to wolf mail? I have my opinion, and im sure you do as well, however, there are so few hipster standards that are actually true we cant make any assumptions because there are so many nuances in hipster culture
           Some people believe that there are so few people that fit all of the characteristics of the stereotypical hipster that a hipster is purely a hypothetical concept, only mentioned so all of the extremes are covered. Imagine a chart of the types of economies, a true hipster would be a true capitalist society. They don't exist.
        I disagree, personally. I think that there must have been such thing as a hipster. Why else would hipster fashion be so in today, if people aren't all trying to mimic something something that was. Why would hipsters be so hated if they didn't exist, that would be like hating Hufflepuffs. If you get my reference +1 this post because Google plus is hipster.  
       Comment me your opinion of what a hipster is.
               Pablo y Nate

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