Hipster rules

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pet peeve: people mix up hippies and hipsters.

If you can tell the difference between these two images, than you should be able to tell the difference between a hippie and a hipster. The fact that the stereotypes  between these two social groups are so different but they can be overlooked by the similarities in the routes simply has me vexed. Doesn't it make you think when, if you are a hipster (If you are, greetings fellows) that you mean so little to the world  that you could get mixed up with these rainbow colored peacocks of peaceful ambidexterity.  Well, first off lets look at what we have in common, a stereotype of drug use, obscure clothing choices a fetish for music varying from the mainstream, and for alternate political views. However, despite these similarities, we hipsters dont compete with ourselves to see how many colors we can wear at once, we don't grow mustaches that look like we have clones of frank Zappa beneath our noses. We do not do psychedelics, because that isn't good for you. It's not like we don't think peace love and happiness is far out man, but we are happy and loving, when we don't have pieces of our sideburns in our mouths. If you remember my previous post about hats , if you click hats there will be a link to the post, however, its hard to put on a hat when your 'fro weighs more than  We hipsters do enjoy the outdoors, but we (most of the time) do have houses instead of tents. The point is that hippies and hipsters are very different, hippies have a cause and they protest, we hipsters aren't as organized as a whole, so we can't rally against pop music, likewise, the Vietnam war is long over, so hippies don't exist anymore. So if you are a hipster nowadays, remember, you are a figment of your own imagination, so in your own way, you are a hipster.

pablo y nate

R.I.P Random afro dude,  who probably died of substance abuse

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