Hipster rules

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why i don't like proffesional sports

            Yes, playing cricket or ultimate Frisbee with your acquaintances is an enjoyable experience for some, and mortifying for other, and in the middle for me, but the world of professional sports has never appealed to me since the year 2009. Partially because my team was steadily growing more and more horrendous, and partially because they were beginning to bore me, I have  not followed a sport religiously since.t
          There is a certain lack of enthusiasm. Last night I found myself at a pistons game. Just moments before the game commenced, I was crowded into the side of the entrance to the court, hand extended into the center of this pathway of humans. Camera's were flashing, pop music was blaring and I was doing the best to ignore it. In the gravity of the situation, I was momentarily oblivious as what was about to undergo.
       The Detroit pistons, all 15 of them, jogged through the entrance towards the human tunnel, tall enough to dwarf a relatively small elephant, and clad in red and white sweat suits. Man, I thought, i'm going to get an awesome high five from these hulks.
     As they approached, the anticipation built. The first player was upon us. Sheepishly, I extended my arm farther. What happened next Is sad to behold. The high five wasn't exactly a high five. Imagined getting a sloth hitting a punching bag and divide the strength of the hit by five, plus the basketball players weren't furry, so it was less fun.
    NOOO, my mind was racing. This cant be, why didn't I get a real high five? With luck the others will be better. But no luck was to be found, for each high five was successively more noncommittal. My expectations were in shambles.

Another thing that irks me about sports is how concrete they are. Unlike music, where everything is up to opinion(besides the fact that 80's hair metal, synthpop and modern rap are the worst kinds of music), sports have stats, e.r.a, shooting percentage, number of yards, blinks per game. There is also little creativity.  Referees  carry rule books twice the size of the Mirian Webster dictionary, or all the wheel of time books combined, and there is an argument about whether or not a rule was broken after every play.   Sports is just like a religion that encourages war amongst it's followers and your emotional stature depends purely on the competence bunch  of or women you don't know.

And there is a clear winner.

One can argue that you can measure music by how many labels are sold, or critics reviews, but whether or not the music is pleasurable to you is completely by choice of the listener. You can barrate somebody for liking the wrong music in your opinion, but for sports you have less options on what to follow and you have no control of their success, but if you change alliegances it is consifers blasphemous.

So, with all due respect, don't get into a fight with your friend over sports, fight over music,

Nate and Pablo.


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