Hipster rules

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why Hipsters don't like things that are mainstream.

         As a hipster, I commonly strive to bring new odd Avant-garde and previously undiscovered interests into the community. The people who choose to listen to my suggestions in music and literature are followers. The reason I like finding things nobody has thought of before is because it makes one feel an individual. The average person has various amounts of ideas shoveled onto them like their a patch of farmland, and these popular beliefs are like heaps of manure, fresh clean and stinking to high heaven.
      The poor patch of farmland has no time to filter what is being loaded upon it and whether or not he wants all that crap on him at all. It can't decide whether the new mulch is better than the old mulch is better, but the farmer forces upon the new processed cheapest and most popular brand of industrialized animal droppings. Likewise, the farmland has no say of what plants grow out.
         If the farmland was a hipster instead of a patch of dirt in the middle of nowhere, it would have these choices, and his self proclamation as hipster would develop a shield to society around it. Maybe instead of growing kale, which is mainstream, it could sprout habaneros or bok choy. The farmer could blend these two veggies and make a type of Chinese Mexican chili. The farmer of course would be very dependent of his pitchfork.
          Those who are into what is current are slaves to popular culture. They need to read fashion magazines, watch pretty little liars and listen to #1 hit radio. Being hipster is like having a burden lifted off your shoulders with the perk of finding better and more interesting sources of entertainment. Forget about team gale vs team Jacob, you could be reading the odyssey or the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe. A hipster, a nerd, a geek and an art fart don't worry about appearing cool, which makes them cool in their own way. So next time you are buying an 80$ pair of jeans at A&F, ask yourself, "What the hell am i doing?"

If you are in a loopy enough mood, break out in song.

If you do post the video on the internet and leave a link in the comments.

Don't be a patch of smelly kale plants, be original like bok choy.




  1. potato's are cool i like potatoes

    1. They are to mainstream, unless you eat them in a knish.
      Knish's are a tasty eastern European snack which i enjoy with Dijon mustard.
      You should try them, but more importantly, eat parsnips. Parsnips are the hipster version of carrots.

  2. no they are also good if mashed and if you add cheese and bacon
