Hipster rules

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pet peeve: the asscociation with hipsters and skinny jeans.

    In tonight's episode of modern family, phil is sporting a remarkably tight fitted suit which strongly restricts his movement which he claimed to purchase at that "hipster store". Why is it a stereotype laced into pop-media that hipsters like to wearskin tight clothing? I have no freaking clue.      
         Greetings fellow circulation cutters, today I shall discuss skinny jeans, and by discuss I mean rant about skinny jeans, Particularly skinny jeans in abnormal colors. Why do people consider them hipster, so many people wear them, right? well I wouldn't know, ive never had the most authoritative grasp on what is popular with the children my age these days.
           Be that as it may, skinny jeans became popular under the prose that they were hipster, which makes very little sense, as if people wanted to look like a hipster they wouldn't wear the skinny jeans, as everybody else was encladding themselves in these tight fitting garments. However if the consumers actually wanted to be hipster, nobody would buy the pants in question, making them hipster to wear. But if they were in and they were hipster, would he hipsters no longer be abiding by rule 458 and getting fancy name brand denim, or would the non hipsters all be thrift shopping.
        The best thing to do when faced with a dilemma such as this is to get off my blog because you can't handle the hipster confusion. Its the opposite of wrinkly really: irony-ironic.  I think that the clothing you wear doesn't make you a hipster, it only makes you look like one. A hipster is not solely about physical appearance, its about what you are naturally. When you are going out of your way to be hipster, and/or not enjoying it, you know that you are doing something wrong. It is perfectly fine to not be a hipster, in fact the non hipsters and the hipsters have a symbiotic relationship, the non hipsters are the reason the hipsters exist, and hipsters provide the non hipsters with something to want to be.
     Leave comments about fashion trends that bug you below.


     Pablo y Nate

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